Monday, 7 April 2014

Friends of A ball

When I was looking back through my rose year, I realised I hadn't written a blog post on one of my favourite events from my year - the 'friends of a' charity ball.

The charity ball was held over in Dublin, so it meant that I got to get on that plane all over again! It was held to raise money to fund ongoing research into cranial aneurysms in memory of the 2010 Texas Rose of Tralee, Adrienne Hussey.

'Friends of A' aims to work with the CABER team at the University of Limerick who have an extensive history in aneurysm research in diagnostic rupture behaviour involving the use of both solid and fluid mechanics tools and has been involved in recent international studies of blood flow behaviour in cranial aneurysms. They aim to complete a research programme to investigate new methods of diagnosis and treatment.

The ball was a fabulous night, supported by roses and escorts from all years, and it was a great way for us all to bond. There was a beautiful meal put on for us all, and then entertainment such as a fabulous band and raffle.

The charity ball, along with all the other fundraising the friends of A team had done raised over 30,000 euro which was their target for the four year process, and this means that much more research can be done to try and prevent aneurysms.

I had a brilliant night dancing and singing with the 2013 roses and escorts and even better was that it was all for such a brilliant cause :-)
To find out more about the friends of A charity please go to: where a link can also be found if you would like to donate to this fabulous cause.

 With the Sunderland Rose - Collette Hesketh and rose escort Denis English
 with the Waterford Rose, Sunderland rose and Cavan Rose

Me and the Sunderland Rose ready for the ball

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Charity Wax Off

On February 21st I held a charity wax night at home. I had 5 men take part, two having back waxes and the other three having leg waxes - all to support the Maggie's centre in Nottingham - which is a fabulous centre which gives help and support to people suffering with cancer and their families. The charity is extremely close to my heart and I was so excited to raise over £350 for the charity from the sponsored waxes.
The night was a brilliant laugh - not so much for the men who were squealing for but everyone watching - and everyone knew it was for a great cause.
A massive thank you to the men who volunteered to take part, your all stars and to everyone who sponsored them. The money raised will make a big difference to a brilliant charity.

 With the volunteers : to donate £3 text MAGGIES to 70111
 Michael Half way through his wax
With my volunteers all finished :-) 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Make A Spalsh

On Thursday 28th November, I took part in the Gem 106 swimathon called 'make a splash', which was raising money for Rainbow's children's hospice which I had visited earlier in the year, in memory of Susan Taylor who died swimming the channel for Rainbows. Gem 106 set up free swim sessions at pools all over the east midlands and encouraged people to get sponsorship for doing a swim for Rainbows. Hundred's of people did the swims, especially schools who took part, and I was honoured to be given the opportunity to join in too :-) On the way to my swim I was really nervous and still not sure on whether it was a great idea, as I am not a strong swimmer, and panic when I can't feel the bottom of the pool! However, the people of Bingham pool were really supportive and friendly, and the other swimmers were really kind to me and kept my spirits up. I swam 64 lengths which was a task but after all the training, I managed to complete my swim in 46 minutes, which I was incredibly proud of. Thanks to Gem106 I have been able to help a fabulous charity and also help conquer my own fears along the way and I am extremely grateful for that! :-)

On my way to the Pool to complete the swim!

If you would like to donate to Rainbows you can do so through my just giving page here:

Thank you :-) xx

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Hayward House Hospice Visit

Today (26th September) I visited the Hayward house hospice on site of the City hospital campus. It had been five years since I had last been into the hospice, and this was when my granddad had cancer and was being looked after there.

Some of the staff were the same as they were five years ago, and walking into the hospice brought back many memories, both happy and sad. Soon after getting to the hospice I was chatting away to some of the patients in the day care centre. They were truly inspirational people who didn't seem to let the fact they had cancer get them down. Whilst chatting to me they told me about their adventures during their lives, their families and friends and all sorts of other things - one gentleman even telling me he was always in trouble with his wife!! haha :-)

I preformed three short Irish dances for them - two in soft shoes and one in heavys, which the patients all seemed to enjoy, however I was in a long dress and the floor was laminate so I thought I was going to fall over - which wouldn't have looked sophisticated! But luckily I didn't. I was then given a nice cup of tea while I spent time chatting some more to some of the patients and looked at some of the items they had made during the day. They all asked if I would go back soon, and I really hope I do get to.

Going into the hospice makes you realise just how lucky you are, and to grasp every moment and opportunity with everything you have. I left feeling emotional, but was also so honoured to have been able to spend time with them and feel like I had improved their day slightly.

I thank Elaine from Hayward House for inviting me, and I am hoping to do some more fundraising throughout the year for Hayward house, to help to keep this incredible hospice open and supporting people through their cancer battle.

 With some of the Patients from Hayward House

The Oliver Begley memorial day

On the 7th September I attended the annual Oliver Begley memorial day, in which funds are raised for Hayward house hospice in the grounds of the City Hospital, Nottingham.

There were lots of different stalls involved, including a cake sale, raffle, card stall and a beauty and jewellery stall. As well as lots of children's games, such as shoot the goalie, bungie runs and bouncy castles. The main event for me was probably watching the gaelic football teams battle it out for the memorial trophy which was brilliant to watch, and showed how great even the youngsters of our local GAA teams really are. There was also a tug of war competition in which I couldn't say no to taking part in - and the St. Barnabas ladies team won (which I was part of) which made great fun.

A bar and BBQ was also put on and an ice cream van was there because it was boiling hot, the Begley's must have pre-booked the weather :-) I think everyone who attended, including myself, had a fantastic day raising money for a fantastic cause!!
Well done to everyone that helped organise the event, and thank you so much for inviting me!
 Children from the Gaelic football teams doing the tug of war

Tralee - International Rose Festival 2013

The Tralee international festival began 14th august, and I arrived on the 18th. I had to catch four planes for the round trip, and to say I’m not the keenest flyer I think I did a pretty good job! I cannot describe to you the few days I spent in Ireland for the international festival, because in order for you to feel the atmosphere you’d really have to be there. I arrived on Sunday lunchtime and met my roommate Donna at the door, then the Sligo roses from 2012 and 2013 came later Sunday night. Monday and Tuesday held the two selection nights which were great fun! All the roses looked beautiful on stage and did a great job – and I definitely wished I was up there among them, however on the other hand it was nice to just go and relax – and even got onto international TV both nights! Woo J Each night after the selection nights and rose receptions we headed to the Abbey Gate hotel bar which was fab! All the regional roses were in there along with the centres and escorts and no one got home before the sun came out!! Tuesday there was also an international rose BBQ in which I was lucky enough to get to attend, the food was incredible and it was lovely to catch up with all the different centres I hadn’t seen since Portlaoise! So many of them were still complimenting my time in Portlaoise and for that I was so grateful! I’m amazed at how many new friends the rose experience has given me already, and after an unbelievable few days I’m already excited for all the reunions to kick off, although the first thing I did when I got home was hit the pillow. If you ever get the opportunity to go to Tralee though do – because I can guarantee you’ll have the time of your life!!
 Sunday night - ready for Abbeygate
 Sunday night with the girls
The first night in the dome

Leicester Racecourse annual family fun day

I was honoured to be invited to Leicester racecourse for their fun day. It was to be my first time at a race horse event, normally I’d be sat watching on TV, and I had an incredible time. There were lots of stalls, a fun fair, performances by ‘Bjorn again’ and Peter Andre and of course the racing. Everybody at Leicester was so friendly, and welcoming to me. They even interviewed me and put it on the big screens where Peter Andre was later interviewed too, making me feel like a celeb haha! Unfortuntatley I don’t have the skills when it comes to backing the horses though, somehow placing a bid and only winning 85p once the horse won!! Not really sure what happened there.  The on-site food was delicious and I would definitely recommend anyone to go to Leicester. It’s in a great location and is a brilliant family orientated day out with lots of fun!! Thank you Leicester!!